I saw Radiohead perform at Cricket Wireless tonight. The show was amazing. If you don't know who they are...please download, "Weird Fishes /Arpeggi." If you do not like this song, you will not like Radiohead, but I highly doubt that'll be the case. 12 dollar beers, 15 dollar frooty drinks...but we had to. Tonights actually the first time i've been to this venue and sat up top on the lawn. Honestly...it's really far, but MUCH more comfortable. You can litterally just lay down, stare at the stars, cigarette in hand, all while being serenaded with your music of choice. We brought two blankets, totally necessary. We hung out with a mom and her friend, who was supposed to meet her son in the mosh pit after the 4th song. Weird I know. A mom and her kid in the mosh pit? These girls were super cool though. They let all four of us touch the herbal essence if you know what I mean. Good times. Fa shooo!
sedici (16) sedici
I saw Radiohead perform at Cricket Wireless tonight. The show was amazing. If you don't know who they are...please download, "Weird Fishes /Arpeggi." If you do not like this song, you will not like Radiohead, but I highly doubt that'll be the case. 12 dollar beers, 15 dollar frooty drinks...but we had to. Tonights actually the first time i've been to this venue and sat up top on the lawn. Honestly...it's really far, but MUCH more comfortable. You can litterally just lay down, stare at the stars, cigarette in hand, all while being serenaded with your music of choice. We brought two blankets, totally necessary. We hung out with a mom and her friend, who was supposed to meet her son in the mosh pit after the 4th song. Weird I know. A mom and her kid in the mosh pit? These girls were super cool though. They let all four of us touch the herbal essence if you know what I mean. Good times. Fa shooo!
quindici (15) quindici
I worked all day today, was sooo tired...and could have fell asleep at 9:00 o'clock...but, I stayed up to watch USA and ESPana dook it out for the gold medal. The game was exciting surprisingly. I was hoping for a blowout. USA previously beat Spain by 37...DOMINATION. Spain must have taken notes...because this game was really close. I give it up to D.WADE and C. PAUL.
quattordici (14) quattordici
Tonight was drunken. I hung out with the homies. I was aiming at getting really faded...because I start school on Monday. I kind of just wanna get it out of my system, this whole getting faded stuff. This semester is really important to me. When I pass all these classes, I will be able to graduate before my next birthday. There is ONE class that is holding me back. I pass that class, I get into SENIOR EXPERIENCE, I graduate with ease. FOCUS. I need to focus on school this semester. Once I graduate...it's over. Once I graduate...it's over. Once I graduate...it's over. I can't stress that enough. I'm talking career. I'm talkin nine to five. I'm talking success. In the meantime, I need to FOCUS. Real talk. Tomorrow is poker night, im getting shitty. The day after tomorrow, im getting shitty. And Sunday I will take it easy. Get the bugs out baby. TIME TO HANDLE BUSINESS.
Last night...my brother and I went to my mom's house. We rearranged her entire place. I'm talkin FENG SHUI. She let us borrow her Frank Sinatra CD. Greatest hits. It's amazing. A must have. All the songs you've heard, but don't know what they're called or who sings them. It's amazing how many songs you know on this album...you'll say..."Frank Sinatra sings this!" You realize how big a fan you are of him.
Last night...my brother and I went to my mom's house. We rearranged her entire place. I'm talkin FENG SHUI. She let us borrow her Frank Sinatra CD. Greatest hits. It's amazing. A must have. All the songs you've heard, but don't know what they're called or who sings them. It's amazing how many songs you know on this album...you'll say..."Frank Sinatra sings this!" You realize how big a fan you are of him.
tredici (13) tredici
I went to Barnes n' Noble today before work. I wasn't planning on buying anything but I knew that if I just walked around I'd find something. I ended up buying "Pilipino-English, English-Pilipino Dictionary/Phrasebook. I'm half filipino, and obviously can not speak the language. Well I know the bad words, but who doesn't? Everytime I'm with my mom, and she introduces me to a friend of hers, the first thing they ask is, "Does he speak?" Always. It's like the question of the day. I've always wanted to learn when I was younger. My mom was always on the phone speaking tagalog, and often times she would look over at me while she was speaking. Haha I recently asked her if she's ever talked bad about me to her friends, and as any mother would reply, "Of course not." I know my mom wishes I spoke her language. One time I called her, and she just started GOING OFF in tagalog. She was just drilling me with all these words I didn't understand and I finally interrupted her and said, "MOM! I DON'T SPEAK TAGALOG REMEMBER!" She laughed so hard. Anyways, I'm gonna take baby steps at this language, and someday in the near future take a class.
First thing I'm going to say to my mom next time I see her:
"Masamang-masama ang katawan ko. Gusto ko ng adobo at pansit."
(I am very sick. I want adobo and noodles haha)
My favorite filipino dish...Chicken Adobo.
dodici (12) dodici
Chess is back in effect. The homies n' I been playing chess lately. It is a skillful game. You always have to think ahead, which is good, because thats how life is. You can't just do shit cuz it looks cool. Every move must have meaning. A purpose if you will. I enjoy it a lot. I've beaten my father once. He's the master in my book. He's the one who taught me how to play. I'm keeping record with one of my good homies. I tied him tonight. 2-2. Hopefully we play till it's 101-101. My favorite piece: the queen (obviously). It can do any move of any other piece on the board, except the knight. You lose your queen, you lose your drive. Don't lose your queen...in life.
undici (11) undici
I started painting again today. I'm a little rusty; it's been quite awhile, about a year. The last thing I painted was a beach scene for my aunt in New York. She thought it was cool, seeing as how she never gets to see the beach. I did a beach scene today, but not my usual setting. Usually I paint the sky, calm water, possibly a few green mountains along the horizon, and a few palm trees. It's really simple because I make it simple. Never do I put ripples in the water, or add waves, simply because I don't think I'm at that skill level yet. Today however, I broke the ice. Doesn't look great at all, but thats not the point. The point is I am now fully focused on mastering the art of the wave, and everything that comes with it. The way it looks when it crashes on the shore, the reflection of a bird flying over, or even the way the sun hits the water at certain angles. I give props to anyone who can paint ocean water. I've tried and I can honestly say, it is harder than it looks.
I also went to the padre game tonight with a couple homies. We lost. But it's always fun watching the game. Friar Franks and nachos...the daanks.
I also went to the padre game tonight with a couple homies. We lost. But it's always fun watching the game. Friar Franks and nachos...the daanks.

dieci (10) dieci
Today was my day off. I wanted to get the exercise part out of the way, seeing as how I'm out of shape. The thought of running alone makes me tired. Surprisingly, I was able to do 3 stadiums today. I snake the bleachers (on the visitor side, its smaller) and immediately run a lap. That counts as one. I did that 3 times. You must remember that el sol caliente doesn't help one bit. I relaxed for the most part, did a little cleaning, ran some errands, etc. My pops came home from work and wanted to shoot some eight-ball. Had a beer, played the juke box, good times. Then I saw "Pineapple Express." It actually came out tonight, so the line was rather long. Felt like I was waiting in line for a roller coaster. The movie itself, HILARIOUS. Seriously HILARIOUS. I could have peed in my pants but im good at holding it.
nove (9) nove
So check it out. I spoke with momma. She just purchased a used Ford Explorer. It's in good condition, and she really enjoys it. No longer does she want her previous vehicle. What this means? It means, that she will be handing the keys over to her second born. That's right, Cadillac STS kid. But before I get excited, I need to speak with my insurance and find out how much it will cost to insure this bad boy. Mind you, my insurance for my truck is already higher than it should be. Time will tell. This is the exact model mommas gonna give me...holla...
otto (8) otto
Last night i stayed up real late. I went to bed at about 5 in the morning. My friend came over and we watched a movie. "The Air I Breathe." There were a lot of good actors in this film, however, the film itself, not so good. She fell asleep within an hour. And I, ended up finishing the movie, but was very disappointed. The movie just didn't make sense to me. Two thumbs down. I woke up 6 hours later, got ready for work, and had a horrible day. There are so many rude people in this world. If I could be invisible, I would slap them, and laugh while they wondered what happened. After work I went to my homies house, and drank like a fish. I just got home; it is 3:30 in the morning, and I am ready to dream about something cool. This is how tonight went dowwn. Good night.
sette (7) sette
I went to the mall the other day. There are so many watches that struck my fancy. All of which were $300.00 or more. Is it worth it? I think so. Which is why I am currently doing my research, and narrowing it down. Hopefully within the month I will be wearing a beautiful, brand new, timepiece. This is my dream watch, you will not see me wearing this anytime soon, unless I come up a couple G's. It retails at over $1300.00...sexy. See the G?
sei (6) sei
I just got home from watching Step Brothers. The brosky and I watched the midnight showing. I thought it was pretty funny. Although, there were about 10 other people in the theatre, who didn't seem to laugh that much. My brother and I left the theatre wondering why no one else was laughing as hard as we were. Its weird when you hear yourself laughing outloud and everyone else is silent. Will Ferrell's humor is simply unexplainable. His facial expressions alone are enough to get me rolling. And its always good to watch a movie with someone who has a contagious laugh. There were parts that I didn't find funny at first, but as soon as my brother started to laugh, I realized why, and it just became funny. Scale from 1 - 10, I give Step Brother an 8.

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