Today was a rather long day for me. I woke up early and somehow managed to study international finance for about 3 hours. Usually I am uncapable of studying so early. However, tomorrow is thirsty thursday and I wanted to make today as productive as possible; kind of like a deal with myself to earn tomorrow nights drunken-ness. Immediately following my study sesh my brother and I were both hungry so we grabbed some subs. I then cleaned my room and got ready for work.
WORK WAS WORK TODAY. We have inventory tomorrow and I spent half the day counting. Exhausting might I add. The big suits came in today as well so everyone was on their best behavior, all the while kissin' ass. Getting off work tonight was a relief. When I got home I poured myself a glass of Chianti. A glass of wine and a couple of cigarettes while listening to some Bloc Party puts me on a cloud. Now I am rather tired and ready to dream.

Today's lunch
and dinner.
Picture of the day
Glad I was productive and safe today, and not this guy.