Tza and I went to San Ysidro today to go Christmas shopping. Crazy day. My car broke down in National city, at a gas station, and it was pouring rain. We sat there for a good ten minutes trying to figure out the problem. We thought for sure it couldn't be the battery because my cd's were playing and my headlights were on. I initially thought it was my starter, because the belt barely budged when I turned the ignition. The lady comes out..."You want some cables?" I yelled..."I don't think its my battery!" She brings it to us anyways...we hook it up...turn on the juice...and my car starts. I was 2 minutes away from calling
AAA...and getting it towed all the way back home. Thank god for that ladies persistence. Anways. San Ysisdro outlets have some good ass stores. I never realized. Last time I was there was probably high school. I ended up spending all the cash in my wallet. I was soooo close to busting out the plastic...but I somehow managed to resist. I still need to shop for my parents, and two secret santa's: one with the homies, and one for my work potluck/party.
Speaking of party hah...guess who I get to go see tomorrow?


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