Got faaded with Tom n' Fred tonight. Always a good time. Allow me to remind you who they are. In the picture below...Freddy is "to the left, to the left..." and Tommy is "to the right, to the right." And yes...they rubbed it in again...about meeting Kele...the lead singer of BLOC PARTY...bastards. Thats right BASTARDS. go home already. hah. but anyways...good times. Chain smoked like a motha'. Fucka'.
After they left I took my plugs out and realized I'm due for an upgrade...
I was thinkin' second row...last one. the wooden one. looks tight no? matches my brown-ness? I also like the hollow white one...(first row, second one)...whatever im drunk ill wear em' all...gnite peeople.
they met kele :O
yeh they're some lucky kids. envy is definitely the word. hah.