On a different note, my mom has the worst luck. About six months ago, her neighbor died in his bathtub. Turns out that her neighbor, was the owner of the entire apartment complex. He was a retired doctor, and had two rooms joined together for more space. My mom was just on the otherside in what they called a studio. Kitchen/bathroom/living room/ all in one room. The morning it happened, my mother woke up and stepped into water. She immediately ran to the superintendent, and they took everything she owned, and moved her down the hall and to the left. She now lives in a much bigger apartment, and it was a deal breaker because a lot of her belongings were severely damaged. The took off over $100 dollars a month because the move was so sudden; and it's not like my mom had a choice. So My brother and I get her moved in to her new place. She spruces it up. She's ballin now. She loves the new place. It's safe to say that she's finally settled in. A few days ago, HOWEVER, the person staying above her, left a candle burning by her bedside. The entire place got lit. The firemen put it out with ease. The lead fireman stated that the entire fire started next to the ladies bad, and was caused by a candle. So my mom, who is directly underneath this fire pit, has the grand luxury of feeling the drops of water as they soak through the ceiling. Once again, my mom is forced to move down the hall. My mom and I laughed about her luck for about ten minutes today. hah. I'm just glad she's okay.

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