

This was a cool movie. People kept telling me bout it...how much they liked it and enjoyed it. I sold so many copies of this movie at work...i just had to watch it to see what all the fuss was about. Overall, I can honestly say it lived up to the hype...nice story, sick graphics, PIXAR is dope. Disney...forever will be dope. Combined...they're fuckin' suuuper dope.

On a different note, I've been amazing lately at NOT SMOKING. I still can't believe I haven't had a cigarette. I did the math, and I've been smoking cigarettes for 9 years. And the entire time, I was a chain smoker. During that time, I tried quitting cold turkey 3 times. Not once was I successful. The longest I went without smoking was nearly 2 1/2 days. On that 3rd day, I smoked like a chimney, to make up for the two days I didn't smoke. This is why I'm so amazed at myself right now. I haven't had a cigarette in 12 days. That may sound minuscule to a non smoker; but for a smoker, one who smokes 1/2 a pack a day, 12 days is absolutely amazing. As of right now, the only thing I am afraid of, is the next time I get wasted. I plan on getting drunk this weekend. That is when I love cigarettes the most. That is when a cigarette is my best friend. That is when a cigarette is at its absolute best. WHEN DRUNK. I haven't drank in awhile. I've been keeping up with school, plus I've been sick. Not to mention how much I've been working lately. I think I've earned myself a few beers this weekend. That'll be the test. If I don't smoke this weekend, I think it will be safe to say that I am completely over cigarettes. Had to happen some day right??

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