After class I had to wait two WHOLE HOURS for my ride. Seeing as how I'm on spring break I have NO HW...NO ASSIGNMENTS...NO NADA WAY. I went to the library and surfed the net. I was bored. I used to walk into the library and all I saw were screens of myspace. Seriously...every other computer was on myspace. Nowadays...today for example...all I see is facebook. I guess we gotta keep up with the Jones'. Even though I had the internet at my fingertips...I still found myself bored. I know that sounds crazy...because the internet is like an entire universe in itself. There is nothing on planet earth that is not on the internet. (i'm drunk right now bare with me)...hah. Everytime I sit down to a computer...whether its my own or at school...I always do three things...in a row...in this particular order. 1st) I check my email. gmail. I call it gangsta mail. Am I a gangsta? no. but doesn't gangsta mail sound cool?? moving on. 2nd) I check webct. if you don't know what it is...too bad. ok fine its basically a program you use at school to turn in assignments...print syllabi...etc. thats right...syllabi...plural baby. 3rd) I sign on to AIM. thats it. all 3...all the time. then i start surfing. I just haven't been to any cool websites lately. youtube i know i know...IT HAS EVERYTHING. but what else is out there?? tons im sure...im just unaware at this point. 4th on my list actually is check the whole blog scene. i love reading other peoples blogs. because when you read them...you can tell...that they're being honest...and not tyring to be someone they're not. theres really nothing to hide if you think about it. its just people talking about their days...their lives...their perspectives on life...their ambitions...their goals...all that mumbo jumbo. its actually quite reassuring. because honestly...we're all headed to a place we want to be. and though some have it tougher than others...just remember...its not "where you're at." its "where you're going." ok. my eyes are heavy. better put em' down. good night. dont drink and drive. always wear a hat. don't eat past six. happy spring break. snooooz.
btw...i go to mommas for breakfast tomorrow...LUNGANESA!
i pick up my new bed tomorrow. stoked.

all right...man up fellas. don't try to act like your eyes didn't get wet to this shit.

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