On a different note...one of my co-workers just got a 2nd job at McDonalds. He says everytime he works...(every shift)...he gets a free meal...and another meal for 50% off. Sounds good to me. Me and another co-worker took him up on his offer.
About an hour after I digested my bigmac...fries...and 10pc. chicken mcnuggets...me and two homies headed downtoan to BAR BASIC. One of my homies cousins was having a birthday there. Cool little spot. I hear the pizza there is fantastic. Super crowded though...we had drinks...bobbed our heads for a bit...saw some other people we knew...played like wallflowers for a minute or two...and bounced. We were only there for about 2 hours. I really think that they let too many people into the clubs these days. I understand that it's the place to be...and you gotta make money by letting people in...BUT...SHIT...I could barely move in this place. You literally could not take 3 steps without either A) Stepping on someone's foot. B) Spilling your drink. or C) Hitting some random girl in the boob. But nevertheless...it was fun. We were then hungry...so we drove a few blocks down...parked at the mall...and got pizza from this place my friend claims is THE DANKS. He wasn't lying. Really good pizza this place. Place called Ciro's. I would definitely go back. I had a slice of the Pepperoni Sicilian...and we all ordered an 18" pie. Super tasty. Took it home...ate...drank as much water as I could...popped in an IBUPROFEN...and passed out like a baby. Very good times. A saturday night I would definitely redo in the future.
22 days. no fumar. first time in the last 10 years I did not have a cigarette at a bar.

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