I've said this before...and I'm sure you're tired of hearing it...BUT...i dont givva fuuuuuuuuu. Imma say it anyways. My assistant manager said it takes 27 days to break a habit...ANY HABIT. im on day 25 of not smoking a cigarette. which translates to..."TWO MORE DAYS OF NOT SMOKING MAKES ME A NON SMOKER!" which then translates to..."I did it...I'm a non-smoker." Which translates to..."I smell good all the time...and my teeth will be white in like a week or so." hahaha. im stoked. To be honest...your life really changes when you don't smoke. When I did smoke...at work...on my 8 hour shifts...I smoked a cigarette every hour. NO JOKE. Now...on an 8 hour shift...all I do is work. On my break...i'll buy water...drink it...play with my phone...and go back to work. Real shit. Smoking cigarettes takes a lot of your time. I have been eating more I noticed...(to replace my smoking time)...BUT...I won't let it get the best of me. I've been sick which is why I haven't been to the gym in a minute...but now I feel better...SOOOO....i'll be back in the weight room in a matter of days. I just bought whitestrips too...I'll have white teeth in like 9 days. HOLLA. Lastly....all the money that I've saved from NOT BUYING CIGARETTES...I'm saving to buy a REALLY NICE CAMERA. My friend P knows all about that so he's telling me to get the camera he has. SLR. Here's a picture of it...

In due time. My Pictures will be perfect. I've always had a passion for documenting life. Taking pictures I mean. Think about it. 50 years from now...when you're retired...wouldn't you like to know what you did 50 years ago? What shit looked like? Start documenting now...real talk. It's your life. Show it to your children.
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