Today, after my accounting class is over...which will be exactly at 4:50pm...I will officially be on spring break! I'm excited. I am going to the beach every day....or at least I'll try to. I haven't sponged for a looooong time. I miss it. Like crazy. hah. Also...after class...I plan on having a few dranky dranks. My group is presenting today...and after we finish I know the professor is gonna drill us. It's always a relief finishing a presentation. But I think I might go to Barnes right after class. I need to get some more stuff done before I start partying. Actually...throughout my entire spring break I need to keep up with the material. A week and a half of not studying is a long time...I don't want to fall behind. And knowing my professor...he'll give us our next exam the week we come back. drag. But regardless...i'm going to the beach.
Song for this beautiful Wednesday.
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