

I need a new computer, but I only need the basics. Something with tons of space...is super fast, and has multiple fan units. MULTIPLE FAN UNITS I SAY. My former laptop was a DELL...which gave me nothing but problems. The biggest issue I faced with my so called DELL was having it overheat all the time. I did in fact use the computer a lot...but geeze...after 2 hours I would put my hand over the center of the keyboard and it was like putting my hand on top of a toaster oven. And I'm not even beginning to exaggerate. Half a dozen times in this year alone it just turned off on me, due to heat.

Anyways...my laptop is out of commission...and I plan on buying a desktop pc rather than another laptop, simply because they're more reliable and I'm over portability. But I'm stuck. I don't want to purchase a computer that costs an arm and a leg...because all I need is the basics. BUT AT THE SAME TIME...you do get what you pay for...so why not pay big?

decisions decisions.

HP Pavilion Slimline S3700F Desktop PC




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