Looks like I'm getting a new iPhone. It'll be my 3rd one. I'll try to make this as short as possible. My first one...lasted for about 10 months. Then suddenly...something happened to the sound. I was only able to hear through my headphones. In other words...my phone wouldn't ring unless my headphones were in.
Thats a problem hah. I took it in...they replaced it. This puts me on phone # 2. I've had this phone for a little over a year now...22 days over a year to be exact. Last week...out of nowhere...a bunch of horizontal lines just ran through my screen. Mind you...I've never dropped my phone...never sat on it...never did anything that would cause this to happen. I'm a careful dood. I just woke up and it was there. Again...thats a problem. I take it in...and unfortunately
"I'm sorry we can't replace it...its passed its warranty." I ask the dood..."Can I talk to your manager?" He looks at me as if I'm a dumbass and says..."Thats who I just asked...she's gonna tell you the same thing." I reply..."I understand that...can I please talk to your manager?" He rolls his eyes...and walks back to fetch his manager

. This girl comes out...and I'm usually not prejudice...
but she looked like a bitch...and she totally was. Doesn't even introduce herself...just walks straight up to me and says..."We can't replace it sorry." I said..."Hi I'm Jessie nice to meet you." She still just looked down at my phone and made no eye contact with me whatsover. I asked her if she could kindly make any exception...since it's only been roughly 20 days passed its warranty. She rudely replied..."Can't do it. If it were 5 or 10 days maybe." I asked her...
"So theres ABSOLUTELY NOTHING YOU CAN DO FOR ME?" Again...a rude reply...
"Nope sorry." At this point
I'm pissed, and frustrated. I then say..."Well can you give a phone number...someone else I can talk to?" She gives me the number...I walk away. I did not thank her....which bothers me. I hate not being able to thank people for their time...but she deserved nada way. AS SOON AS I GET HOME...i call the number...and they say the same exact thing. There is nothing they can do for me...
"BECAUSE ITS PASSED ITS WARRANTY." At this point I began to hate the phrase. I then say to her..."Thank you for time...can I possibly talk to your supervisor?" And to be honest this girl on the phone was extremely helpful. 10 times as helpful as the manager from the apple store. I get put on hold for 20 minutes...NOT EXAGGERATING. This guy comes on the phone...and apologizes for me waiting. He said he looked over my case...pulled some strings...even called the store that I was just at no more than an hour ago...and sets me up with an appointment for a new phone. He then asks about the service of the store I was at...
and I'm not the type to drop a dime on anyone...but...I simply told him
EXACTLY what happened...and he agreed with me that it was not the correct way to handle the situation. He gave me his phone number and his email...because he wants me to contact him after the transaction...to make sure it goes smoothly. He sounded very genuine...and his service was impeccable. He really took pride in helping people...I could easily tell. But anyways...new phone for me...I'm stoked...I hope the same bitch is working when I come in for the exchange. Ok...sorry...I couldn't make that story any shorter...hope it wasn't a
COMPLETE waste of your time...
call you tomorrow with my new phone hah...
...18 days.
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