I have to go to the beach tomorrow. I hate going alone but I have no choice. I wanna paddle out REAL BAD! Especially after watching any ROACH footage...he motivates me for sure...
Monday morning.
It's my spring break, and all I can do is think about being productive. A week ago today, I felt the urgency to do nothing but relax and go to the beach while on break. Now that spring break is here...I feel the need to do something inventive or constructive. Something beneficial to me in the near future. I thought about going to Michaels and replenishing some of my painting supplies. I have every color I would ever need...but their days are numbered if you know what I mean. I am definitely going to paint something this spring break. Something abstract. Perhaps to connotate my current mood in life. I hope it ends up being super bright hah. I do know this much, I will relax on the beach at least 3 times this week. And I will definitely paddle out. Other than that, I think I will help pops around the house. He wants me to mulch the hill in our back yard. I just may. Tomorrow even. I know he'll be ecstatic if he came to a mulched hill. Lets see how productive I can be tomorrow...
I love you, man

I watched I love you man tonight. So many previews I saw that looked good. A new Adam Sandler movie with Seth Rogen and Jonah Hill called Funny People. A movie with Jack Black and Michael Cera called Year One. And of course the ones that you probably already know about...Star Trek and Wolverine. But theres even another one I wanna see with Ryan Reynolds and Sandra Bullock called The Proposal. I can't wait til' this summer.

I love you man, was hilarious. You will LOL. Totally. Toats ma goats!! hah! I love you Rashida Jones.

211 am
The aphrodisiac of wanting is well known. Want implies a desire for something not in your grasp. Wanting leads to getting. But from getting, we arrive at having, and this is another ball game. And what about being in love with the woman who is in love with you? This creature is someone you want to sleep with and someone you want to talk to, and you can take her out into the world and stand there with her, and you can not take her out and just stand in your bedroom in your underwear. Maybe you get on the bed and jump up and down. Because though you are a fool, you are her fool. She is the one you love, but she is also the one who - and this is certainly one of the most terrifying conditions a man can find himself in - loves you. One day your gaze wanders over the vast gorgeous ocean of beautiful women walking around and fixes on one woman. A flicker of the animal, something rustles inside of you. And then the predicament. To go forth or stay where you are, with who you have - she who loves you - and with whom, in spite of that, you still want to do the nasty...often. You can go forth. But if you do, you can't ever come back. It's one or the other, either/or, this or that. And what is "that"? That is the endless ocean of possibility that will never end. And "this"? What is this? This is your life. Do you want to start living it? One day you will say, I do.
Author unknown.
I got the QWEN!
Went to mommas for breakfast. I also took her to get her taxes done. The amount of paperwork she had with her was rediculous...so I walked next door to Pitchers and had a drink. A lot of people go in there for lunch to eat. I actually asked the guy next to me at the bar how there food was and he said he loved it. He totally vouches for their pizza. It did in fact smell awesome. Anyways...after that I went back to my moms place and kept her company. Otherwise she'll just watch movies all day. Usually we go to the beach...but I had to pick up my bed today. super stoked now that I have it. As soon as I threw my sheets on it I layed down for a good 3o minutes...with my eyes open. I could have taken a nap...but I wouldn't have been able to get up for the gym. I might go to Tavern tonight. I don't know. I kinda just threw down a bunch of benjamins for this bed. We'll see. Time for the gym.

"Please place this cone behind your vehicle and they will bring it to you shortly."

209 am

After class I had to wait two WHOLE HOURS for my ride. Seeing as how I'm on spring break I have NO HW...NO ASSIGNMENTS...NO NADA WAY. I went to the library and surfed the net. I was bored. I used to walk into the library and all I saw were screens of myspace. Seriously...every other computer was on myspace. Nowadays...today for example...all I see is facebook. I guess we gotta keep up with the Jones'. Even though I had the internet at my fingertips...I still found myself bored. I know that sounds crazy...because the internet is like an entire universe in itself. There is nothing on planet earth that is not on the internet. (i'm drunk right now bare with me)...hah. Everytime I sit down to a computer...whether its my own or at school...I always do three things...in a row...in this particular order. 1st) I check my email. gmail. I call it gangsta mail. Am I a gangsta? no. but doesn't gangsta mail sound cool?? moving on. 2nd) I check webct. if you don't know what it is...too bad. ok fine its basically a program you use at school to turn in assignments...print syllabi...etc. thats right...syllabi...plural baby. 3rd) I sign on to AIM. thats it. all 3...all the time. then i start surfing. I just haven't been to any cool websites lately. youtube i know i know...IT HAS EVERYTHING. but what else is out there?? tons im sure...im just unaware at this point. 4th on my list actually is check the whole blog scene. i love reading other peoples blogs. because when you read them...you can tell...that they're being honest...and not tyring to be someone they're not. theres really nothing to hide if you think about it. its just people talking about their days...their lives...their perspectives on life...their ambitions...their goals...all that mumbo jumbo. its actually quite reassuring. because honestly...we're all headed to a place we want to be. and though some have it tougher than others...just remember...its not "where you're at." its "where you're going." ok. my eyes are heavy. better put em' down. good night. dont drink and drive. always wear a hat. don't eat past six. happy spring break. snooooz.
btw...i go to mommas for breakfast tomorrow...LUNGANESA!
i pick up my new bed tomorrow. stoked.

all right...man up fellas. don't try to act like your eyes didn't get wet to this shit.

spring break...officially...
I don't mean to toot my own horn...but our presentation was the shit. My group killed it today. The professors exact words were..."So you guys are setting the bar eh?" Thats all it took to make my day that much more beautiful. And its official...I'm on spring break. Lets kick it.
It's getting dark...I better begin the process...
It's getting dark...I better begin the process...
This Beautiful Wednesday.

Today, after my accounting class is over...which will be exactly at 4:50pm...I will officially be on spring break! I'm excited. I am going to the beach every day....or at least I'll try to. I haven't sponged for a looooong time. I miss it. Like crazy. hah. Also...after class...I plan on having a few dranky dranks. My group is presenting today...and after we finish I know the professor is gonna drill us. It's always a relief finishing a presentation. But I think I might go to Barnes right after class. I need to get some more stuff done before I start partying. Actually...throughout my entire spring break I need to keep up with the material. A week and a half of not studying is a long time...I don't want to fall behind. And knowing my professor...he'll give us our next exam the week we come back. drag. But regardless...i'm going to the beach.
Song for this beautiful Wednesday.
Dylan Cronk.
This is my little cousin from Cold Spring, NY. Last time I was there was 2 years ago...and he could barely do an ollie. Now he's bossin'...and he's only 16. He's from my Italian side obviously.
I saw the preview for this movie and thought..."Stoopid." I thought..."It's just about a guy...a father...who wants revenge for his daughter. It's been done." Two movies immediately popped into my head...and I knew there was NO WAY this movie would even touch the other two. The first one...COMMANDO...with Arnold Schwarzenegger. It's an oldie but goodie. If you haven't seen it I highly recommend it. The second movie...MAN ON FIRE...with Denzel Washington. Super sick. Probably the best revenge movie ever. Ooh I just thought of a 3rd one...PUNISHER...that was sick too. But moving on...I watched TAKEN last night...and I was soooooooo wrooooong. It was ABSOLUTELY THRILLING. Liam Neeson kicked some serious ass! All movie all he did was kick ass! I'm talking Bourne Identity status....just super skillful at everything he does. Even his way of thinking is kick ass. This movie taught me to never again...judge a movie by its trailer....just the way you don't judge a book by its cover. You will not be dissapointed if you watch this movie. Promise.

"I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my daughter go now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you."

"I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my daughter go now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you."
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