So there I was, sitting comfortably with my textbook in my lap, my calculator handy, and a blank sheet of paper. I was doing my accounting homework at Barnes n' Noble. I always listen to my shuffle when studying, but before I placed the buds in my ear, I heard the girl to the right of me say to her girl friend..."He's so dreamy." She said it in such a joyful way, that I had to hear the rest of the conversation before zoning out to my music. I'm not one to eavesdrop, but sometimes you just can't help it. She was describing a boy from her college math class. She sounded so excited to speak of him, as if she wanted to marry this guy. Her guessing, was doing nothing but shooting her down. I found that rather disturbing. "So do you think he's interested in you?" The excited girl replies..."I think so. We talk a lot, and all he does is tell me jokes." Then her friend comes back with..."Yeh but do you think he really likes you? Maybe he's just a flirt." At this point, I wanted to take my 20 pound textbook and drop it on her big head. But instead I kept listening. hah. The excited girl then says, "I don't know. I'm terrible at reading signs." Then silence. An awkward silence I could tell. Excited girl then says, "All I know is that if he were interested in me I wouldn't know unless he said it word for word to my face." And then she laughed. Again, awkward silence. They continue to talk...and go back and forth. Positive, negative, positive, negative. The conversation wasn't exactly flowing. "I need to be home by 8..." says excited finally...she grabs her her friend a hug, says good bye...and leaves. Now its just "negative girl" sitting by herself. I look over to her, MAKE EYE CONTACT...and then look away. Evil eyes I tell you. Jealousy perhaps? I don't know. Maybe she was just being super cynical and was looking out for her friends feelings? Maybe she didn't want her friend to get hurt? I don't know. I shouldn't be one to judge. But from where I was sitting, all I noticed was a pessimistic girl with ugly shoes. hah. But if I were able to say one thing to excited girl it would be..."Talk to him as much as possible, laugh at all his jokes, and try to make him laugh too." Seriously though...a lot of people go out of their way to impress the person they like. They try to get that person to like them by pretending to be someone they're not. I know because I've honestly done it before. It doesn't work. Only later do you realize...that you can't pretend forever. Just be yourself...if they don't like you...then they don't like you. Your true colors will one day might as well be yourself all day, every day. Someone will notice you...eventually.
p.s. today I cooked 2 pounds of Spaghetti and Italian sausage...tossed with onions and for a week.

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