Where do I start? I lost my job today. I don't know what I'm gonna do. I'm pretty much screwed for the months to come. APRIL FOOLS! hah. I'm sure you didn't fall for it...but I fell for some shit today and I thought this would make me feel better. hah anyways...
My brother and I slept at my moms place last night. We got there after work, which was super late. My brother got off at 11pm and I didn't get off work til midnight...so by the time we got there...it was 1am. We started watching CASANOVA with the Heath Ledger. It seems like a very good movie, only all 3 of us passed out about half way through. I have every intention of finishing the movie. There is not a movie with Heath Ledger that I haven't enjoyed. May he R.I.P.
After waking up after a nice 8 hour sleep, which was indeed deserved, my mom cooked my brother and I breakfast. A couple of hours later I did what I've been waiting all week for. I surfed. It wasn't a total drag, because there were a few waves that were worth my while, but for the most part, it was super windy, and the water was extremely choppy. The water didn't seem that cold, although I was wearing my full suit. Maybe it was freezing? I don't know. But it was just me and two other surfers in the water. I pretty much had the beach to myself. I wouldn't say the waves were epic, but I had a great time to say the least. I then came home, had a few cocktails, and headed to the one and only Claim Jumper with the homies. Now I am home, and I am ready to explode. Today was fun and relaxing. No work. No school. Good eats. And I got to surf.

My mom just got a new table. Its actually kinda sick. The chairs take absolutely no space whatsoever. And they're comfortable too.

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