
poker night in less than 1 minute

make sure the red bar at the bottom is fully loaded to get the desired effect...



3 second TIMELAPSE of work piling up.

For my senior project my group and I have to make 2 viral videos and 1 professional video for a 401(k) brokerage firm. We all agreed that a few timeplases would add a little spice...and since i LOVE ME SOME TIMELAPSES i got the ball rollin'. this is just an example of what the final product would look like...( i wanted to practice to get the timing right, because it should only last a few seconds...). After watching this 3 second clip...imagine the books and overdue bills being portfolios and stacks of paper...and at the very top, a folder that says..."401(k) information." The basic premise for our first commercial is an HR Manager being bombarded with tons of paperwork by her current 401(k) representative...and we're basically marketing why companies should switch 401(k) brokerage firms...to a much better one...the one who hired us. Commercial won't be done til the end of April...but we just started so I'm kinda amped...